Levedura (yeast, levain in portuguese) is a collective blog, created by many hands, with the aim of bringing scientific discussions to as many people as possible. Part of the Science in Life research group, the blog is a network just like science: there are many people contributing from different areas in order to increasingly expand our access to information and knowledge produced withing universities and beyond.
The name “Levedura” is a common noun, but it became central in many people's home in the COVID-19 pandemic, as they tried to produce their own food, their daily bread. In the dictionary, its definition is a family of fungi, saccharomycetaceous, which are responsible for the fermentation process. Just like this blog, levedura is also a collective, of non-human actors, which are in a constant process of expansion – given the ideal conditions.
Levedura, thus, is a collective work to expand knowledge, to reproduce itself more and more, reaching places we did not imagine being possible beforehand. It's about the collective process of producing science and feeding on that knowledge.
Like bread in the pandemic, Levedura is an experience of exchange: of texts, podcasts, information, experiences, learning, etc. We invite you to join this network and share our levedura!
Our team
Larissa Costa
PhD in Social Anthropology - PPGAS/UFRGS, Brazil
PhD student in Health Information Science – Western University, Canada
Assistant Professor at Huron College – Canada
Editor adjunto
Lucas Riboli Besen
PhD in Social Anthropology - PPGAS/UFRGS, Brazil
PhD student in Health Information Science – Western University, Canada
Editora Consultiva
Fabiola Rohden
PhD in Social Anthropology - Museu Nacional/UFF, Brazil
Adjunct Professor of Anthropology Department - PPGAS/UFRGS, Brazil
Tradutora | Inglês
Julia Garcia
PhD candidate in Comparative Literature - Western University, Canada
Social Media & Editora do podcast
Jéssica Motta
Social Science undergraduate - UFRGS, Brazil
Assistente Administrativa
Camila Silveira Cavalheiro
Master's student in Social Anthropology - PPGAS/UFRGS, Brazil